Mocking others’ mental stability

Mike Huckabee was on a radio show today and decided to respond to some of his critics.  As for a response to MSNBC “Hardball” host Chris Matthews, Huckabee offered this prescription: “Chris, see a doctor. Do it quickly. You’re out of control. You’re off your meds. You absolutely must get help, and do it today.” (See the article and hear the actual interview)

I doubt that people are going to make a big deal (or any deal) about what Huckabee said just because people make this kind of joke all the time, at least I’ve heard others around me make the same type of comments about people they have issues with. But I believe this is the kind of “humor” that’s often tolerated in society that probably should get pointed out by mental health advocates.

I’ve personally liked Mike Huckabee as a person for some time now. In fact, on last night’s “Colbert Report,” he was pretty funny. But I wish he would understand that the “off your meds” comment is really just making fun of people who take psychotropic medication as some kind of deviants. I realize this was just a casual comment, but really, we wouldn’t poke ‘casual’ fun at other types of  illnesses.

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